The following images were taken at the annual SAIC Christmas party. Why am I just getting around to posting them now, in August? Well, when I switched over to the Mac I had some difficulty in finding image editing software that was comparable to what I had been using on the PC. By the time Andrew had installed GraphicConverter for me, the holiday season was well over with. A friend suggested that I post them in a "Christmas in July" entry, but because I had put off doing anything with the images for so long by July I had begun to dread it. What compels me now is that if I were to have waited much longer the fall semester would have started up and I'd be posting these sometime during winter break (just in time for the next x-mas party). It's my nature to focus all of my energy on my studies to the detriment of my personal to do list. Now you know why I write so seldom when school is in session. Without further ado, I present Christmas pictures in August.
There are a few more pictures left for me to post of Andrew's co-worker, Roger, and his wife, Barbara. I will *try* to get back to them later this evening. I might not be up to it as I have only had approximately two hours of sleep. We'll see.
-- CrystalShiloh @ 06:18 PM