June 06, 2004

Re: I Failed to Mention (Until This Moment)

Remember my mentioning this?

"...some @$$hole that lives in our building stole our shiny new grill!!! And we only got to use it two times!!"

we posted signs downstairs to let whoever took the grill know that we wanted it back and after a little over a week of checking for it, late on Memorial Day, someone returned it to an empty storage locker in the basement. I only noticed it when I went to retrieve the cooking implements we got w/it (both the grill and the utensils were free after spending $40 for something like six weeks at Harris Teeter and saving the receipts) from our own locker. OK and this was AFTER Andrew and I bought different one that very day (from IKEA) and had already fired it up. So there is no absolutely way that we can return the new one. Oh well, I guess we have a spare now in case this ever happens to us again. *sigh*

IKEA Grill.jpg
The new grill from IKEA.

-- CrystalShiloh @ 09:24 PM