Upgrades to CrystalShiloh.com
You might not have noticed, but there's been some changes made around here:
- Andrew has gone back through and caught up on linking all of my old entries, from the end of September on. Thanks! Luv ya ;)
- We upgraded to Movable Type 2.661.
- Added a reading list to the sidebar and shuffled things around in there a bit.
- Fixed a rather annoying scrolling problem and added an established date to the description in Movable Type.
- Fixed the scroll bar CSS so that now it is pink and blue as it should have been all along.
- Added a link in the side bar to the Metro Blog Map.
Coming soon:
- A few new pictures will be added to the ALD section.
- An image interface (I'm not sure what else to refer to it as, but the image directory should fit in a lot better w/everything else when it is completed.)
-- CrystalShiloh @ 08:02 PM