Est. 8 July 2003
May 27, 2004
I Failed to Mention (Until This Moment)
- ...I turned 26 on April 19th.
- ...I finished up the spring term with an A in Reading/Writing About Texts, an A+ in Intro. to Creative Writing, and an A in Intensive Elementary Spanish (this was a six credit course the other two were worth three credits apiece.)
- ...my GPA for the term is 4.0.
- ...my cumulative score is now at 3.961.
- ...I discovered who it was that nominated me for The National Dean's List when my official paperwork arrived: Donna Fox, the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs and adviser to Alpha Lambda Delta.
- ...I finished reading Piers Anthony's And Eternity. Right now I'm finishing up Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation (approx. 40 pages remaining) and after that I will have nine books remaining on my list. I'm making progress!!
- ...some @$$hole that lives in our building stole our shiny new grill!!! And we only got to use it two times!!
-- CrystalShiloh @ 12:03 AM