My Internet connection has been intermittent this evening, so I'll upload this entry after Andrew has had a chance to restart the gateway. He went to bed sometime around 11:30 pm. Right now it is nearly midnight and it's snowing outside. I don't get nearly as worked up over snow as I do about rain. I don't find this weather particularly "cozy." Right now I've got iTunes open and I am listening to a song called "Spark" by Tori Amos. I'm in the mood for music I can sing along with. I'm feeling very relaxed and comfy in a soft red sweater. I've still got my fur-lined snow boots on from when we drove out to Metro 29 for dessert. Oh yeah, I finished another book today, Wolves in the Walls, a children's story by Neil Gaiman. I plan to pick up Smoke and Mirrors (also by Gaiman) when I get tired of turning my random thoughts into keystrokes and listening to my MP3s.
So, school starts in a less than a week, six days to be exact. I think I'm ready to go back. One month was more than sufficient for me to build up my energy reserves, generally relax, and less specifically take care of some things that I put off until the end of the semester. I saw two movies in the theater, visited China town with a friend, and Andrew and I hung curtains. I've read five books, and perhaps I'll have a sixth completed before time runs out. Speaking of books and school, I have to be on campus some time this Saturday to pick up one last textbook that wasn't in before and locate all of my classrooms. Not a big deal, just something I need to remember to do. The only other thing left for me to take care of is to post the pile of stuff on my top bunk set aside for eBay. Fun, fun. Andrew and I keep finding other things to do with our free time like going out for dessert, lol. At least all of the snapshots have been taken. Not all have been edited though. I guess I'm just not anxious to see the status of my eBay account. It was hijacked (wc?) maybe hacked is a better word... a few months back, much to my annoyance.
I just decided to try out the voice recorder accessory I got for my iPod. Might as well before I try to record any lectures with it. I recorded myself singing along to a couple of songs. After listening to my first attempt I realized it is not necessary to so close to the mic and so I gave it a second try. It worked much better this time at a distance. I'm listening to myself singing along to Tori's "A Sorta Fairytale." I have this cute little girl voice, lol. At times, I can also hear the hard drive spinning. If I can figure out how to, I'll put a copy up tomorrow. I suspect I'll need Andrew's assistance for that feat of technology. Anyway, I have book waiting for me. I'm going to call it a night after I kick the cable modem real good. Ha! That'll teach it to fuck with me. :)
Ok, I've read the introduction up to the conclusion of the short story entitled "The Wedding Present." I set Smoke and Mirrors aside for a time when I feel like reading more. I wanted to take a moment and comment on my reading selections this break. All, with the exception of Mona Lisa Smile by Deborah Chiel (I'm not even considering A Cherokee Feast of Days by Joyce Sequichie Hifler because that's not a novel or compilation of short stories or anything close to that) contain certain elements that I'd like to eventually see in my own writing. I don't think that I can exactly explain them. I don't even think I want to give it a go. I'm just storing up all of this data, somewhere deep in recesses of my brain, until I am ready to do something with them, when I am at the stage when I will be compelled get down to the business of becoming more serious about my work. I have to say that I'm reading much better material now, since I became a student at George Mason University.
It seems the snow has stopped. I say that although there is little trace that it ever occurred in the first place. On that note I'm calling it a night, although technically, it is already morning and it has been for two hours and some odd minutes.
-- CrystalShiloh @ 05:47 AM