I think I am all studied out for the time being. I woke up bright early at 6:00 a.m. when I didn't even have to report to class later in the morning. Why, you ask? To study!! My professors this semester have been seriously loading me down with homework - I don't have time for much of anything else besides the commute to school and the quick shower in between! I told myself this week, since last week and the week before I was guilty of this, that I was not going to get behind in my Western Civilization assignment. So, that is what I have been working on all morning, all afternoon, and I will likely continue on through to the evening as I am still not caught up from last week, but somehow I got ahead for next week. I read the transcript of the video I was supposed to have already viewed before yesterday's session. I got into it and decided to keep going, I passed late antiquity and delved further on into the middle ages. I also caught up on most of the reading, but I have another five pages remaining. I want to hop in the shower, but I also want to just finish what I started. Here I am sit, conflicted. I'm in my jammies from last night. My hair is a wreck. I probably reek. I am so sick of Western Civilization, as interesting as I find it to be, it is just too much too fast. I still have do some reading for Music. Since my English class was canceled on Monday, I'm really not obligated to do tonight's homework (yet), but I want to at least get it started since we have this five page paper on short fiction coming up. The proposal for it is now due on next Monday. I read the speech notes for my recitation... is there anything else I am forgetting about?? Oh yeah, Dr. Ro's class. We're reading Mencius now, but we're behind in the lecture. We were still stuck on Confucius on Monday. I could get away with not touching my text until the weekend, but it is easy enough just read on the train ride to school. I will probably do that.
What would I be doing if not homework, you ask? Well, no, you didn't actually ask, but work with me here. I recently picked up a couple more books (as if my collection were not vast enough) that I'd really like to get around to reading. I have here Realty Check by Piers Anthony, Learn to Read Music by Harry and Micheal Baxter, and Become What You Are by Alan Watts. The last two books I mentioned were not assigned to me by my professors, as you might expect, I want to read them to further my knowledge of what we have covered in my classes. I've decided to write a paper on the Watts book for my Chinese Philosophy and Religious Traditions course. It seems that the answer to the question posed earlier, if I wasn't obligated to be doing homework right now what would I be doing, is I'd still be doing homework. What can I say? I need mental stimulation!! *sigh* I am such a nerd. I'm going away now to go take my shower and only afterwards go on to complete my Western Civ homework so I can reassert my normality.
-- CrystalShiloh @ 05:25 PM