It feels like it is 90 degrees inside of this apartment right now. WeatherBug claims that it is only 72. For some reason the AC is not pumping out any cold air. We've had that problem sporadically over the last few days. I've thought about contacting the building management, but I am all but certain that I will be told the problem exists only in my head (a typical response). To combat the heat on my own, I opened up my bedroom windows. I was cooped up in my room, watching my weekend shows on TLC because Andrew is doing his homework and I don't want to distract him with the living room television. The sounds of a Reggae band poured into my room along with the fresh, cooler air. I guess there was some sort of an event going on at Iwo Jima. I decided not to check it out because I had already taken my shower and put on my jammies. Instead, I colored one full mandala and started on another. Andrew and I found these neat colored pencils I used to color them with while we were at Michael's earlier today purchasing some supplies I'll be using tomorrow to decorate the ALD bulletin board. The board is located on the first floor in Robinson Hall B on the Fairfax campus of GMU. As the group's historian, it is my responsibility to keep the board up to date. Last Tuesday, I labored for a total of three and half hours getting everything together that I had described at the ALD officer's meeting held earlier today that will be going up on the board:
Now I just hope it all fits. The background will be a dark green textured paper. I couldn't find any borders over at Micheal's so I left instead with 2 rolls each of gold and silver foil stars attached to wire. I intend to entwine the gold and silver trims together and staple them around the edges of the board to frame out the contents as well as give it a little extra sparkle to attract attention. Our goal is to get lots of new members to join this year. I could be wrong, but I think that's our goal every year. This updated design should help to get our group noticed.