The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
I ended up choosing the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden as our destination for the afternoon. While we waited for our friend Roger to meet up with us, Andrew and I took some snap shots of each other and of the Calders (first name Alexander, an American artist, lived 1898 - 1976) I found within and without the Garden.

Andrew on a good hair day.

Seis moi.

Me up close.

The wind was blowing my shirt up, exposing my tatoo. Unfortunately, when we went to snap a picture of the occurance it failed to happen.

I found this Calder on the way over to the sculpture garden and not while in it. The piece is referred to as "Sky Hooks", it was made from painted steel, and it was created in 1962.

This Calder can be viewed from at street level, looking down into the Garden. It is titled "Six Dots Over a Mountain", it is also made of painted steel, and it was completed in 1956.

A different angle on "Six Dots" with "Rainfall" down in front. The last piece was by artist Anthony Caro. It was made from painted steel in 1964.

View of the Washington Monument behind the left side of the Smithsonian Castle.

The weather felt exceptionally pleasant outside: plenty of sunshine tempered by a cool breeze. According to
WeatherBug the high for the day was 84 degrees.

Andrew and Roger catching up with me.

This is the large water fountain located in the back of the museum. Andrew, Roger, and I stood near it, facing in the direction the wind was blowing to cool off.

This impressive Calder is located in front of the Museum. Andrew and Roger are standing together underneath it.

Roger and I on our way out from underneath the Calder (we had thought Andrew was all finished with taking the picture).

Roger is seen here holding up a rather large phallic symbol. I neglected to record any information for this. Shame on me.
Ok folks, there are plenty more pictures left for me to offload, I mean erm upload, but my back is beginning to ache a bit from sitting so long at the computer. I'll post some more when the pain subsides and after I have eaten something substantial.

Calder called this piece "Critter With Mobile Top." It was made from painted steel in 1974.

"Yellow Tights" is also a work by Calder from 1945.
There's *still* more to come. It'll have to wait, though. At the moment I'm nervous about tomorrow being the first day back to school and as a result my stomach is all knotted up. Andrew is now fixing us a little tea, then it is into the shower from there, closely followed by bedtime. I hope I can sleep.

This is "Mobile" by Calder from 1958.

And another piece by Calder, unfortunately I can't tell you more than that about this one. I again neglected to record the information in all of the rush and excitement to capture them all for posterity.

Also by Calder from 1955. It is known as "Zarabanda."
-- CrystalShiloh @ 06:17 PM