Est. 8 July 2003
August 16, 2003
Top Ten Vexations
- Very windy days. I hate fighting to walk against the wind, ending up with mouthfuls of my own hair whenever I say anything, or worse having it stick to my lipstick.
- Being woken up by our cat Rand in the middle of night. She does this because she has no concept of time, only of hunger.
- And then not being able to get back to sleep. Can anyone sleep when they're frustrated? I sure can't.
- When the water in the shower changes temperature erratically. I can think of another shower experience that was even more annoying, but thankfully non-recurring: I was shampooing my hair when all of sudden bam!! A piece of the shower head came flying off and hit me in the head. With that piece off, there was not enough water pressure to rinse my hair out. I had to run dripping wet in a bath towel and soap in my eyes to my neighbor's apartment to plead with her to borrow her shower.
- Noisy sleepers. Andrew not only snores, but lately he's started to click. Must be the zip disk click of doom reincarnated.
- People who take up more than their fair share of the bed or blanket. Only *I* can get away with that.
- People who do not clean up after themselves. I don't really have anything to add to this one.
- Clearly discerning the noise from a piano, that the neighbors who live upstairs and over one apartment from me, regularly play. We can hear it from both Andrew's room and my room. When we first moved in three years ago, I thought I was hearing things. I began to investigate. I checked all four of the apartments on this floor by standing outside the doors and listening intently. The noise wasn't emanating from any of them. I spoke with each neighbor individually and inquired whether or not they could hear a piano being played through the walls. Each answered yes, but had no idea who might be so audacious as to have a piano in an apartment building. Later, I happened to be in the stairwell when the music started up again. Following the sound, I climbed the stairs past my floor all the way up to the sixth. It was somewhat difficult to tell from which apartment I was hearing it, but I finally determined that was coming from the apartment above and across from mine.
- Apathetic people.
- Being messaged by random people who, without even so much as taking a glance at my profile, proceed to ask me everything that is specified in it.
-- CrystalShiloh @ 12:42 AM