So, I've missed an additional two days' worth of entries, guess I should be about even for those few occasions when I happened to write more than one within a twenty-four hours span. I like that way of looking at it. It's kind of like rollover minutes :). Quite frankly, I haven't had a lot to say, although there's been enough going on with me in the last couple of days.
I have been practicing my yoga while simultaneously learning just how out of shape I am. You could say I was a bit too eager, when against Andrew's better judgment, I tried my first inversion yesterday afternoon. I am deeply regretting that error this morning. An inversion in yoga is when your upper body ends up supporting your lower body, as is the case when you perform a handstand. Just so you know, I have never been able to do a handstand, ever. For this particular asana, or yogic body position, I was to face a wall with my palms and forearms down on the floor. My legs were almost in set position to begin running a race, except the toes on my left foot were pointed straight out. The goal is to get your legs up off the ground using your back muscles and triceps to accomplish this and keep them there by balancing and holding your weight on your deltoids and biceps. I never even made it all the way up and all that stuff hurts on me now. I have resolved to keep trying and I know that eventually I'll get stronger. One day I might even be able to complete an inversion, who knows?
I received a writer's proof back for my contribution to a book that will be published later on this summer, titled Theatre of the Mind. The editors of the compilation opted to feature my poem, "Mirror, Mirror" over "Age of the Romantic Hero" with no explanation as to why, though I'm fairly certain that it was because it's too long. Oh well, I'll get over it.
Last night Andrew and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. Since the movie was inaccurately listed on the marquee as being shown at 10:15 p.m. (when in reality it was scheduled for 10:05 p.m.) we arrived at the theater just in time for all of the stadium seats to be filled. We ended up sitting in the second row with our necks hinged back. It's amazing how big an 80 point font appears from that close. Andrew made the comment that the experience was like watching a full-frame movie in 16:9. In order to see all of the action on screen you have to turn your head back and forth to the right and the left. I stubbornly kept my focus on the center and so it is very likely that this movie is going to look a whole lot different to me sometime when we view it from home. My neck might just be sore from that movie-going experience and the yoga may not even have had anything to do with it. Who knows? I can't say it wasn't worth it. Johnny Depp was worth it, lol.
Hopefully I'll get around to writing a review for Pirates of the Caribbean later on this evening. In a short time from now a friend of ours will be paying us a visit. We'll be watching a Miyazaki film (since she is unfamiliar with his work) and sharing some Bar B Que from Red Hot and Blue. Eek, I had popcorn last night AND Reese's Pieces and now I'm going to have Bar B Que. This can't possibly bode well with my new healthy diet. I skipped breakfast as penance and I'm not 100% sure that will have rectified the situation. All I've had so far today is some Mental ClariTea with absolutely no sugar. It's not too bad. A little detour shouldn't hurt things too much as long as I don't go too far and can bring myself back on track.
-- CrystalShiloh @ 12:01 PM