I can't believe it, I have never been able to before and I just managed to finish one of those slide puzzle thingies... you know, the ones where there are either a series of numbers or portions of a two-dimensional image are all jumbled up and you have to somehow arrange them back into order. I usually get frustrated with the plastic versions of this game and at times became sorely tempted to just pry the pieces out with a butter knife. I did this one on my new Palm Zire.
It rained earlier, but unfortunately, I missed out on it. I had taken a nap at 4:30 p.m. and awoke at 6:00 p.m. I took a look out the window and saw that the ground was damp. That totally sucks. Before I laid down, I picked up a book I had started late last semester called The Zen of Oz by author Joey Green. He is not a very good writer and the book was a relatively pointless read. In fact, he put me out like a light. So, I do not recommend it to anyone. Now that I've had a brief break from Gaiman, I might be ready at last to pick up Neverwhere. One of my must-see shows is on right now. It's called What Not to Wear. Since it is a rerun I might be getting to that book sooner than I hoped I would.
Eek, I just tried to upload this entry and my "always on cable connection" isn't. It's 10:43 p.m., just for the record.
-- CrystalShiloh @ 11:08 PM